Research Highlights
- Successfully completed a PhD thesis in Zoology at James Cook University entitled: ‘The Population Ecology of the Cane Toad, Bufo marinus, in Northern Australia’.
- Currently work as a consultant ecologist, with reference to local flying-fox populations and other rare and threatened wildlife, for the Cairns Regional Council
- Chair of the Flying-fox Advisory Group for the Cairns Regional Council
- Completed research projects for James Cook University, including monitoring wildlife movement across roads using rope canopy bridges and Lemuroid Ringtail Possums populations in high altitude tropical rainforest
- Led Earthwatch expeditions in the Wet Tropical rainforests of Far North Queensland showing volunteers how to survey and monitor wildlife
Guiding Highlights
- Guided on the Spirit of Enderby across the South Pacific and islands of Papua New Guinea for Heritage Expeditions
- Guided on the Jahan down the Mekong River through Cambodia and Vietnam
- Guided on several expedition cruises, including the Orion, across the Kimberley coast of North-west Australia
- Led several overland 4-wheel drive safaris to the top of Cape York Peninsula and across the Top End of Australia
- Designed and led numerous wildlife-focused ecotours throughout the wet tropical forests of Far North Queensland
Filming Highlights
- Senior researcher for the highly successful BBC ‘Wild Australasia’ series
- Organised, researched, directed and assisted in over 60 wildlife film shoots throughout Australia
- Researched, wrote and edited scripts and storyboards for numerous film shoots
- Wrote and presented wildlife information to camera
- Operated remote camera and sound equipment in the field during film shoots
Communication Highlights
- Formed a local publishing company – Wild about the Tropics – which has sold over 25,000 copies of the ‘101’ field guides in seven years
- Sub-editor of Wildlife Australia Magazine’s ‘Watching Wildlife’ section for two years
- Developed and wrote interpretive signage for major tourism areas and facilities in the Cairns region (e.g. Cairns Aquarium, Crystal Cascades, Cattana Wetlands, Skyrail, etc.)
- Presented information as a wildlife commentator on radio and television
- Given numerous wildlife and natural history talks throughout Australia, the UK and the USA, including Queensland Museum, James Cook University, British Wildlife Trusts and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC